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发布日期:2013-04-08  来源:   点击量:47




(重要预告:CIFCL-13; November 1-5, 2013, Ronald Langacker: Ten Lectures on Cognitive Grammar: Dimensions of Elaboration)






10 Lectures on Researching spoken language as dynamic and multimodal:Implications for cognitive linguistics. Alan Cienki, Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam , Netherlands .

10 Lectures on Quantitative approaches in Cognitive Linguistics: corpus-linguistic, experimental, and statistical applications. Stefan Gries, University of California , Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA .



900元 (学生600元) :2013年5月2日 之后至5月26日21点前






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论文摘要(是否提交论文均可参会)论文摘要只限英文,使用英文发言。PDF一页为限,上下右边距均为3cm ,左4cm(包括装订1cm) ,字体为Times New Roman,大小均为小四,行距1.5倍。摘要七要素:题目、作者、电邮、单位、关键词3-5个、摘要正文、参考文献。发送至:[cogforum@buaa.edu.cn],截止日期:2013年5月1日24点。咨询:丁研13552939293(限短信)、电邮cogforum@buaa.edu.cn 被大会录用并宣读的论文将发表在以下两个出版物之一:1) International Journal of Cognitive Linguistics http://ijcl.buaa.edu.cn/ ; 2) Compendium of Cognitive Linguistics Research, https://www.novapublishers.com/                                                                   

                                     中国认知语言学国际论坛组委会 2013年3月29日


Lecture Schedule for CIFCL-12, May 27-31, 2013, Beijing


论坛网站http://cifcl.buaa.edu.cn/ 期刊网站http://ijcl.buaa.edu.cn/






May 27


8:30-10:00 Cienki 1: Language as object versus language as process in the cognitive linguistic paradigm

10:10-11:40 Gries 1: Corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and psycholinguistics:on their combination and fit

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U

14:00-15:30 Cienki 2: Schemas in cognitive linguistic theory and in gesture studies

15:40-17:10 Gries 2: Quantitative approaches to similarity in cognitive linguistics 1: the phonology of blends

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U


May 28 2013

8:30-10:00 Cienki 3: Metonymy, reference points, and gesture

10:10-11:40 Gries 3: Quantitative approaches to similarity in cognitive linguistics 2:the phonology of idioms

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U

14:00-15:30 Cienki 4: The variety of metaphor in speech and gesture

15:40-17:10 Gries 4: Cognitive semantics: behavioral profiles for polysemy, synonymy, and antonymy

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U

Wednesday May 29 2013

8:30-10:00 Cienki 5: Perspective-taking and construal in speech and gesture

10:10-11:40 Gries 5: Constructions and their semantics/behavior: collostructional analysis and its experimental validation

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U

14:00-15:30 Cienki 6: Gesture with speech in relation to mental space theory and blending theory

15:40-17:10 Gries 6: On frequency in corpora 1: frequencies vs. probabilities vs. association measures

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U


May 30


8:30-10:00 Cienki 7: Semantic analysis of language as dynamic and multimodal: Simulation and conceptualization

10:10-11:40 Gries 7: On frequency in corpora 2: the broader picture (Zipf, entropies, and dispersion)

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U

14:00-15:30 Cienki 8: Grammatical theory in cognitive linguistics in relation to multimodality

15:40-17:10 Gries 8: The use of statistical models in cognitive linguistics

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U


May 31 2013

8:30-10:00 Cienki 9: Language as a prototype category

10:10-11:40 Gries 9: Bottom-up methods in cognitive and corpus linguistics: on letting the data decide ...

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U

14:00-15:30 Cienki 10: Synergies between cognitive linguistics and other fields of study: Studying language as dynamic multimodal communication

15:40-17:10 Gries 10: Corpus data and their experimental validation: examples and applications

Room 806 Ruxin Building Beihang U

Speakers and Schedule for CIFCL-12, May 27-31, 2013, Beijing




Alan Cienki:

Ten Lectures on Researching Spoken Language as Dynamic and Multimodal: Implications for Cognitive Linguistics.

Alan Cienki is Associate Professor in the English section of the Department of Language and Communication at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam , Netherlands . He is Chair of the international Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM), Associate Editor of the journal Cognitive Linguistics, and founder of the Amsterdam Gesture Center .  http://www.let.vu.nl/staf/a.cienki


 One of his major research interests is how speech and gesture reflect processes of conceptualization. He is co-editor of the volumes Conceptual and Discourse Factors in Linguistic Structure (2001) and Metaphor and Gesture (2008). His education in the USA included receiving a BA from Hamilton College in Russian Studies, and an MA and PhD in Slavic linguistics from Brown University . He then taught at Emory University (USA) in the Dept. of Russian and East Asian Languages and Cultures. At Emory University he co-founded and later directed the Program in Linguistics, and also served as the Director of the PhD program in Culture, History, and Theory of the interdisciplinary Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts.

Stefan Th. Gries:

Ten Lectures on Quantitative Approaches in Cognitive Linguistics: Corpus-linguistic, Experimental, and Statistical Applications.

Stefan Th. Gries earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Hamburg in 1998 and 2000 and is currently (Full) Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California , Santa Barbara (UCSB) and Honorary Liebig-Professor of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen.


Methodologically, Gries is a quantitative corpus linguist at the intersection of corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and computational linguistics, who uses statistical methods to investigate linguistic phenomena (corpus-linguistically and experimentally) and test and develop corpus-linguistic and statistical methods. Theoretically, he is a cognitively-oriented usage-based linguist.  Gries has authored three books, co-edited six volumes, and has  (co-)authored articles in the leading peer-reviewed journals of his fields (Cognitive Linguistics and International Journal of Corpus Linguistics) and many other peer-reviewed journals. He is founding editor-in-chief of the international peer-reviewed journal Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, associate editor of Cognitive Linguistics, and performs editorial functions for many international peer-reviewed journals and book series. 
